Thursday, 27 February 2014

After the recent tragic incident where a young girl was killed and others injured by a falling branch the department of Education is requesting all schools to have their tree assessed by a qualified Arborist with current insurances. I have AQF Level 5 qualifications in Arboriculture, $20 mil public liability insurance and $10 mil public indemnity meeting and exceeding the criteria set out by the department

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Good day recently I have had several other small companies ask what I do about late on non payment of invoices. First every client receives a quote with the project clearly outlined with the quote is my payment schedule this is normally 7days after report is submitted or completion of the project. The invoice does not state 7 day but ask for payment before a certain day (7days) I then wait 10 days of the fee is not received I send a e-mail outlining what will happen next after 7 days I send the invoice to a debt recovery company this has so far worked with all invoices paid, I hope this helps you please contact if you would like to see a sample of e-mail that I send

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Good day Last week I attended a 3 day Tree anatomy workshop the first session we looked at roots and their different growth stages under a microscope. This will help when assessing trees that are not well giving a more in depth look at what may be a problem with your tree/s. Over the next 3 days we looked at many different trees/palms under microscopes to see how different each tree is and yet how similar On the last day we put some food dye into some water than sucked on the ends to draw the fluid through the stems to show the vascular system and how it works and how important correct pruning techniques are (see Photos) Attending workshops seminars such as this increases my knowledge maintaining and increasing technical currency in this growing (pun intended) profession of Arboriculture.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Support for a local hospital in Burma

I have recently become away of a hospital in Burma that was in need of support. I am happy to add my support to this project. The village is called Thabyu village, Kawa township, Yangon division.