Saturday, 28 February 2015

Tree risk advanced assessment

Over many years of assessing trees for risk and what hazards they pose to my clients their employees structures, homes etc. many a time the tree warrant an advanced or level 3 assessment this could be an aerial assessment of the scaffold upper branch junctions, damaged along the trunk or the tree assessed may need to have the trunk assessed by a Picus Sonic Tomography to determine the amount of solid timber to decayed or hollow sections unable to be seen visibly and or a soil or tissue test to determine the course of the trees ill health. On most occasions clients decide not to do these tests as the cost is to high yes there is extra expense for these advanced assessments but what is the cost if you don’t do these test and the trees fails and causes damage or worst kills someone. Recently I had a client ring me up and asked if I can come an assess a tree that I had assessed 10 months ago and recommended a advanced assessment as this tree had a branch fail damaging a roof of 1 of their buildings and they were lucky that no one was using the path below when the branch failed. The cost of replacing the damaged roof and then now have to remove the tree loosing valuable shade and then replacing that tree is a far more expensive than hiring an Elevated work platform EWP (cherry picker) and myself for 2 hours when the defect could have been identified the limb removed. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) recommends different levels of assessment from a walk/drive by a visible tree assessment and advanced assessment. When you are a manager/owner of an amenity tree it is your duty to maintain this tree and minimize risk that it poses to you your family, your home or buildings. To determine the structural integrity of the tree advanced assessments may need to occur, such as an aerial assessment with an Arborist using a Elevated work platform (EWP a.k.a. cherry pickers) or a Picus Sonic tomography, to sound the tree. For any or more information please contact me by phone, e-mail or leave a message on face book and I will contact you (If you do contact by Facebook please leave a Phone number and best time to call).

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Trees on Development sites DA Development applications

DA Development applications and Trees: when many people are submitting a Development application (DA) most consider building plans, site survey and maybe a Landscape plan. Many builders, architect owners forget about their trees. If you’re new construction is going to impact on any trees roots root zone either on your property a Neighbouring property including council nature strip you will be required to submit an Arboricutural report prepared by a AQF level 5 Arborist. The development as proposed appears to impact on the root zone of a large canopy tree. Where trees are located within 5 metres of the proposed works, a report from a qualified AQF5 arborist is required which assesses all trees and determines their health, condition and Safe Useful Life Expectancy and specifies tree protection measures where applicable. Reference should be made to retention and management of vegetation provisions in Clause 53 of LEP 2005.” (BMCC) The Arborist/Tree report for DA will need to look at the tree Species its health and structural condition, its age, its dimensions the trees Safe useful Life expectancy (S.U.L.E) and the Tree Protection Zones (TPZ). The TPZ should be based on the Australian Standard Protection of Trees on Development sites AS 4970-2009. This standard describes the best practice for the planning and protection of trees on development sites. This is based on plant/tree biology and current best practices. Fred Janes AQF level 5 at angophora Consulting Arborist has assisted many Architect builders and home owners in developing a Tree Management Plan for their construction sites. For any or more information please contact me by phone, e-mail or leave or leave a message on face book and I will contact you (If you do contact by Facebook please leave a Phone number and best time to call). Photo show different trees at different sights some on the development site and 1 on their neighbors that had to have tree Protection Zones