During the past 4 days there have been many news stories and photos of trees failing causing damage to cars, utes, trucks, homes and powerlines, now is a good time to inspect your trees and how structurally safe they are.
With the amount or rain has the soil been eroded from around the tree root plate has the tree moved in the ground and then re settled and then may fail in the next couple of days or the next strong winds.
As owners of trees having your trees checked out, by a Professional consulting arborist, for peace of mind although some failures are hard to judge, 90 % can be detected easily and action can be taken cheaply to resolve, it’s better than having your home or car damaged or worst still a love injured after a major failure.
Prevention is better than cure when it comes to managing trees on your property., you are responsible for any damage your trees cause to persons or surrounding property, so having trees on your property comes with the commitment of maintaining them in a safe and healthy condition in our current times.
Tree risk assessments and safety audits around homes, offices and work sites need to be conducted by a Professional Independent Arborist; who understands the risk that trees pose to residents and workers. An Arborist such as Fred Janes at Angophora Consulting Arborist is a level 5 arborist (AQF level 5) qualified in the latest techniques using the international Arborist associations Tree risk Assessments qualifications (TRAQ). Fred can provide professional advice on how to mitigate the risk and allay fears that you may have of your tree/s.