Thursday, 10 November 2016

Tree pest of Eucalypt species.

How healthy are your trees is your tree showing signs of stress, have they been attacked by a pest/insect. Some tree Pests such as below can damaged and kill your trees if not treated.
Thaumastocoris peregrinus, Winter Bronzing Bug is a pest of Eucalytpus trees, especially narrow leafed Eucalytpus trees. It is a cytosol feeder of tree leaves, which means it feeds on the inside material of the leaf cells and the cell dies. The leaves cannot do their job of photosynthesis.
The symptoms of insect attack are that the tree leaves turn a silver, spotted yellow to bronze colour. This insect pest can be part of the cause of decline in the tree health of Eucalypts in the Sydney basin.
The infested trees will turn the reddish brown to bronze during winter. If the infestation is severe the trees will start to drop their leaves. Twig and branch dieback may also occur. If this continues it will lead to tree decline and possibly the death of the tree.
Chemical control
In Australia the chemical control option for T. peregrinus is tree injection.
  • Thaumastocoris peregrinus, Winter Bronzing Bug can attack different species of trees:
    Corymbia citriodora
    C. henryi
    C. maculate
    E. agrophloia
    E. benthamii
    E. bicostata
    E. botryoides
    E. bridgesiana
    E. camaldulensis*
    E. cypellocarpa
    E. dorrigoensis
    E. dunnii
    E. globulus
    E. gomphocephola
    E. grandis
    E. largiflorens
    E. macarthurii
    E. maidenii
    E. microcorys
    E. nicholii
    E. nitens
    E. occidentalis
    E. ovata
    E. paniculata
    E. pauciflora
    E. pilularis
    E. pulverulenta
    E. punctate
    E. resinifera
    E. rudis
    E. robusta
    E. saligna
    E. scoparia*
    E. sideroxylan
    E. smithii
    E. tereticornis*
    E. urophylla
    E. viminalas*
    E. camaldulensis x E. biscostata
    E. grandis x E. camaldulensis
    E. grandis x E. nitens
    E. grandis x E. urophylla

    *Highly susceptible to T. peregrinus

  • If you are concerned about your trees’ health please contact an Arborist such as Fred Janes at Angophora Consulting Arborist. A level 5 arborist (AQF level 5), qualified in the latest techniques using the International Arborist Associations’ Tree risk Assessments Qualifications (TRAQ). Fred and his team can provide professional advice on the problem, how to mitigate the risk and allay any fears that you may have.

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